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Welcome To Tintin's Squirrel School
Rescue & Rehab

Hello there hooman and
welcome to my world and my website!
If you are new here,
let me tell you a little about myself.
I'm a European Red Squirrel,
also known as a Eurasian Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)
and my name is Tintin.
Although it may look like captivity,
I can assure you that no hooman could keep me from escaping,
if I wanted to...
I could scale that little fence you see,
faster than a hooman eye can blink
and if that wasn't enough,
there's plenty of room underneath the fence,
for me to slip under the gaps.
But no, I choose this hooman to be my guardian
and I have lived a very long, very happy,
very enriching squirrel life, for almost 11 years.
Along my exceptionally long life,
my Paps and I have gathered a quarter of a million fans,
from all over the world.
And you can ask any one of them,
if I was ever held back from returning to the wild.
In fact, my Paps tried time and time again,
to encourage me to return to the wild, but I refused!
I had made up my mind!
This is my home, this is my family.
If you are indeed new to my world,
I'm sorry to say that the rainbow bridge called upon me to cross it,
October the 14th, 2024.
But, don't let that discourage you from exploring my daily vlogs
that my guardian Paps, also known as Decan Frost,
made of me, every single day,
for 11 years of my life.
Spreading peace, joy and compassion to the world.
Not only that, but Paps mission here on earth, isn't done yet.
He has many, many other red squirrels
to rescue, nurse and release,
like so many successful rescues before.
If you're interested in learning more,
visit My Story, Information and the
Amazing Squirrel Facts section.
If not, I thank you for you interest and care!
Take care and remember,
we animal also have, Free-Will.
Free-Will isn't a human exclusivity!
Last but not least, remember,
always remember to:
Tintin The Squirrel

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