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Ultimate Squirrel Rescue Guide!

Updated: Apr 30, 2024


It's a tough job for squirrel mom, to keep up to 6 babies, inside their drey.

As they become more active, they will want to explore.

Mothers still have to eat, pee and poop and

the younglings might venture out or try to follow mom.

They are blissfully unaware

of the many dangers that's awaiting them outside and although dad is also in the area,

he's busy keeping the predators occupied,

including magpies, hawks, eagles, crows and even seagulls.

Squirrel babies love to dare each other,

like human kids: "I dare you to jump those two branches"

Although it isn't time for them to practice jumping or climbing, still being sucklings,

they will still challenge each other.

When it's time for them to learn, new dangers awaits them.

Mainly the human inventions such as concrete and asphalt.

The young squirrels are built and equipped with flexible,

soft skeletons to fall from huge, mind blowing heights but,

only on soft, loose soil, grass and bushes.

Landing on concrete or asphalt, will get them hurt, badly.

Anything from shattered teeth, to split lips and severe concussions.

Signs of a concussion:

They will sit extremely still and won't move,

even if their parents are trying to make them follow them.

These incidents will need human intervention.

Keep an eye out for a bloody nose, it might be disguised with dirt.

If they are out of reach,

you will have to wait and stand guard

as any and all predators will want to take advantage of this.

Get a jacket or a blanket that you can throw onto the baby,

once they are on the ground again.

They will, eventually fall again,

as a result of the concussion they've already obtained.

Wear thick garden/work gloves,

as a young squirrel can still fracture and split a finger bone,

or permanently damage a finger joint or nerve damage.

The Guide:

Step (1)

Is the squirrel an adult?

No, it looks like a baby!

Go to (Step (2)

Yes, it's an adult!

Is the squirrel injured in any way?

No, It looks fine!

Congratulations, you've met a friendly squirrel.

Yes it looks hurt!

If you know for sure that a cat has had it in it's mouth,

it will need medical attention and a all-around antibiotics right away

as cat saliva is highly toxic and will kill it slowly and very painfully!

(The vet shouldn't charge you for this, as it's a wildlife rescue, rehab and re-release.)

Use your jacket to pick it up, do NOT use your hands!

An adult squirrel can crush your finger bones and cause preferment damages!

Go home and follow from (Step (7)

Step (2)

No, the squirrel is a baby!

Don't approach it, don't touch it and don't pick it up!

Look around you...

Do you see an adult squirrel nearby?

Step (3)

Yes, I see one!:

Back off!

Walk away and let the parent collect the baby!

Do NOT intervene!

Step (4)

No, there are no other squirrels around!

Do you see a squirrel nest nearby?

Step (5)

No, I don't see anything like that around! (Go to Step (7)

Yes, I see a nest but no adults!

Collect the baby Squirrel,

use thick garden/work gloves,

put it inside your jacket or your pocket and go home.

Do NOT feed them!

No water, no cows milk,

as both of these will kill them very painfully!

Find a small cardboard box

and put a towel or a clean t-shirt in there.

Cut off all the sides on the box and leave one top cover on,

like this:

Step (6)

Return to the location you found the nest

and place the cardboard box at the bottom of the tree where the nest is located. Keep your distance and watch out for predators.

Good job!

You've done your part!

Step (7)

No, I don't see any nests or any adults!

Pick up the squirrel or squirrels

place them in your jacket or pockets.

Go home and make a cardboard box, see (Step (5).

Do NOT feed them!

No water, no cows milk,

as both of these will kill them slowly and very painfully!

Use Google, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube

to locate a local, private rehab person.

Contact them and follow their instructions, carefully!

Step (8)

You won't have the time nor experience to handle this on your own. They need 24/7 care and attention as well as milk feeding every 3rd hour around the clock, miss one feeding session and they could die on you. Trust me, you do NOT want that on your conscious.

Step (9)

Do NOT get yourself attached to them,

no matter how cute and adorable they are, they will turn wild!

For more information, read the article:


My personal recommendation is that,

if you do have squirrel visitors in your garden, do some research beforehand,

look into the nearest private rescue/rehab/release squirrel expert,

before it becomes relevant, then you'll already have their social media accounts,

in case you should stumble across a lost or injured baby. That way you can act with speed, efficiency and confidence,

that they will survive and thrive in the future.


I will NOT recommend contacting a wildlife center,

as they usually don't have the manpower to feed and take care of baby squirrels

every 3rd hour, around the clock.

So squirrel babies will more often than not,

be used as live feed for their rescued predators and birds of prey.

(Information from credible, inside sources)

Instead, I would Google private rehabs in your country and area,

even do a quick search on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube,

like: squirrel rescue, rehab 'area' `'country'.

And this applies to all squirrel species including chipmunks

I will probably get in some sort of trouble for this statement, but it's the harsh truth.

So I'll take that trouble if it means saving a few souls.

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1 Comment

Nov 25, 2024

Such good and interesting information, thank you so much Decan

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